Teaching & Learning
In the Early Years we have a play based curriculum centred around 'continuous provision with enhancements' and 'focused teaching' to deliver key knowledge and demonstrate skills.
We apply the principles of 'Bold Beginnings' to support the transition from the EYFS to Key Stage 1.
Our approach to teaching and learning in Key Stage 1 and 2 is based on 'Rosenshine's Principles'.
All our staff receive regular training at an individual school and whole Trust level.
Assessment for Learning
Formative and summative assessments are used to inform the learning process.
All assessment outcomes are shared with pupils so that they can see the progress they have made, respond to feedback and identify the next steps in their learning.
Teachers and heads discuss pupil attainment and progress each term to identify where support is to be given.
Data from across the Trust is gathered and shared in order that senior leaders can identify trends, establish priorities and set targets.
Local governors and Trust directors receive termly assessment reports in order that they can monitor standards in individual schools and across the Trust and hold leaders to account.
To find out more about our approach to teaching and learning; email nic.head@stbarnabasmat.com or call 01503 250565